Welcome to the Charles Jacobus Park Neighborhood Association!
$800+ Raised through Metcalfe's Local Neighborhood Appreciation Program!
Time to Renew for 2025!
It’s time to renew your Charles Jacobus Park Neighborhood Association membership! We are looking forward to a fun-filled event calendar for 2025 and are looking for members who want to be involved with planning. Follow the links below to renew online or to download the renewal form to print and drop off at La Tarte.
Interested in becoming involved in planning or becoming a board member? Email tosacjpna@gmail.com
All memberships are $10.00.

In May 2018, CJPNA was the designated partner of Metcalfe Market’s Local Neighborhood Appreciation Program “Another Helping” that provided shoppers who mentioned CJPNA at checkout a 5% discount on purchases throughout the month of May; another 5% of total purchases donated to the association. Last week, CJPNA president Steve Flewellen was on hand to receive a check for more than $800 form Metcalfe’s in recognition of our community’s contribution to the program. The funds will be used to support a wealth of great neighborhood events throughout the summer and upcoming year.